Pro bono and research incentive

PGLaw also believes that pro bono work is one of the most powerful ways to support vulnerable people and non-governmental organizations, strengthening the nonprofit sector and spreading ethical values. Through pro bono work, we can have a more significant impact on our communities by leveraging our greatest asset, the accumulated knowledge of our professionals.
In this sense, PGLaw supports the following organizations:


is a non-profit network to connect civil society organizations and social businesses that need legal assistance from lawyers who want to use their skills and knowledge to contribute to society.

Institute for Global Law and Policy

from Harvard University, a collaborative university effort, whose objective is to promote innovative approaches to law related to global politics in the face of the most urgent current problems, and to improve the faculty of scholars of law and global politics.

Law and Poverty Group

it consists of an applied research plan and public initiatives to bring academia, civil society and governmental authorities closer together in the discussion about rescuing the role of law and its institutions in the context of development and issues associated with poverty.

Serra Bonita

A set of RPPNs in the south of Bahia, which has 2,500 ha, forming the largest private protected area in the Atlantic Forest Central Corridor. It is a pioneering and innovative private initiative for the conservation of submontane forests that aims to protect the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and become an international reference in research, an advanced campus for universities around the world, and an excellent place for bird and megafauna observation.

Study Center Asian Legal

a group of culture and extension from the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo dedicated to the study of the legal system and the history of law in Asian countries.

RDM: Journal of Commercial Law

It is a publication of Instituto Tullio Ascarelli (private foundation whose objective is to support the activities of the Department of Commercial Law at FDUSP) and allows undergraduate students to participate in the organization and development of the Journal, which, since 1951, has had enormous importance in its development. of Brazilian commercial law, containing articles, chronicles, jurisprudential comments and bibliographical notes, by national and foreign authors.


It is a publication of Instituto Tullio Ascarelli (private foundation whose objective is to support the activities of the Department of Commercial Law at FDUSP) and allows undergraduate students to participate in the organization and development of the Journal, which, since 1951, has had enormous importance in its development. of Brazilian commercial law, containing articles, chronicles, jurisprudential comments and bibliographical notes, by national and foreign authors.