Social Responsability

Developing the Future: Partnerships and Social Commitments
In a world where social justice is an increasingly important priority, we are proud to partner with initiatives that transcend the traditional boundaries of law. From supporting non-profit organizations to engaging with globally renowned institutions, our company is committed to making a difference in the community.
iProBono: Our partnership with iProBono reflects our commitment to providing legal assistance where it is needed the most. As part of this non-profit network, we can connect civil society organizations and social enterprises with lawyers willing to contribute to the well-being of society, showcasing our dedication to making access to justice a reality for all.
Serra Bonita: In pursuit of environmental preservation and sustainable development, we support the Serra Bonita project, a set of Reservas Particulares do Patrimônio Natural (RPPNs), private natural heritage reserves, in Southern Bahia. This pioneer initiative aims to protect the Brazilian Mata Atlantica, one of the most severely endangered biomes in the country, promote scientific and educational research, and encourage responsible ecotourism, showcasing our commitment to environmental conservation and awareness.
Institute for Global Law and Policy: Alongside the Institute for Global Law and Policy at Harvard University, we are committed to promoting innovative approaches to urgent global issues. This collaborative academic partnership seeks to enhance knowledge in law related to global policy, driving the development of legal solutions to social, economic, and environmental challenges worldwide.
Centro de Estudos Legais Asiáticos: As part of our commitment to promoting legal education in various areas of law, we collaborate with the Centro de Estudos Legais Asiáticos. This culture and extension group of the Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Sao Paulo is dedicated to studying the legal system and history of law in Asian countries, enriching the academic environment with regional and global perspectives.
RDM: Revista de Direito Mercantil: In partnership with RDM: Revista de Direito Mercantil, we support the publication of relevant and high-quality legal content. Since 1951, this journal has been a reference in the development of Brazilian commercial law, containing articles, chronicles, jurisprudential comments, and bibliographic notes from national and foreign authors, providing a platform for debate and knowledge dissemination in the field of commercial law.
Instituto de Direito Global: Our commitment to intellectual growth is evident in our collaboration with ID GLobal, an independent association dedicated to strengthening the next generation of thinkers and agents of change capable of addressing social, economic, and legal challenges on a global scale. Through multi-institutional projects and a global network of collaborators, ID Global seeks to promote the modernization and internationalization of research, driving innovations that benefit society. This partnership represents our commitment to channeling resources and developing projects that address the most urgent issues of today, bringing together bright academic minds, legal professionals, and agents of social change in a synergistic collaboration that transcends borders and drives innovation.
Grupo de Estudos de Direito, Terceiro Setor e Empreendedorismo Social (“G3S”): In partnership with the renowned Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Sao Paulo, G3S is dedicated to the study of the third sector, social entrepreneurship, and businesses of impact in Brazil. Additionally, it offers legal assistance to drive the development of these areas.
Núcleo de Estudos em Legal Design (“NELD”): NELD is a space dedicated to debates and development of Legal Design at the Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Sao Paulo. The group promotes theoretical discussions, lectures with experts, and workshops for the practical application of studied concepts, thus enriching the field of Law with innovative approaches.
NPD-TechLab: Laboratório de Tecnologia Jurídica: Under the leadership of Prof. Carlos Portugal Gouvêa, the NPD-TechLab at the Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Sao Paulo is a group of excellence where the potential of technology to transform legal practice is explored. The members delve into the world of innovation, developing solutions that drive efficiency and accessibility in the field of Law.
Equipe Flecha: In addition to our academic and social commitment, we also celebrate the spirit of sportsmanship. We support Equipe Flecha, the track and field team of the Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Sao Paulo – USP. Through sports, we`re able to understand the values of determination, teamwork, and the importance of overcoming challenges, proudly representing our institution in local and national competitions.