Vanessa Simone Pereira is a consultant for PGLaw. She is responsible for international business development in our New York City branch. Vanessa’s focus is on strategic development and client management support.
Previously, Vanessa worked at TozziniFreire, and over the last fifteen years she has honed her public affairs and business relationship skills in the nonprofit, philanthropic sector through a variety of roles including business development at the Americas Society/Council of the Americas, a Think -Tank Rockefeller Foundation, and fundraising for BrazilFoundation and the Center for Digital Inclusion (CDI), both highly respected Brazilian nonprofit organizations.
At the Council of the Americas, Vanessa was responsible for bringing key new Brazilian companies on board as corporate members as well as for organizing the Sustainability Forum and Renewable Energy Panels Discussions in the Americas. She also worked on the Summit Conference and hosted conferences and private meetings at the American CEO’s, a Waldorf Astoria event for the President of Brazil held in New York in 2008. At BrazilFoundation, she was responsible for attracting new donors and organizing fundraisings at this time she served as one of the first Board Directors. At the Center for Digital Inclusion (CDI) Vanessa established the organization’s NY office and held the role of President for the US responsible for developing its fundraising efforts.
Vanessa is committed to continued education and community endeavors and is the founder of a recreational group for young children and families, called “Peki, a childhood experience”, that promotes environmental education and family culture though the concept of play. She has also been engaged in volunteering on horticulture activities around the city of New York and is a member of the Programing Leaders Team for Nature and Art Educational Programs at Battery Park City Authority, in Downtown Manhattan.
Bachelor of Law, Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas, São Paulo
Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, São Paulo Section
Continuing Education in News Production and Anchor work, New York University, NY
Continuing Education in Writing for Children, New York University, NY
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